Blockish Examples (note)

Historical Context

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Math Examples

Historical Context

Some body text

Some more body text

Historical Context

Some body text

Some more body text

These are examples of math in the text.

MathML with ASCIIMath in it: sq(t) sum_(n=-infty)^infty (-1)^n A p_{p/2}{t-n{T/2}} s q ( t ) n = - ( - 1 ) n A p p 2 { t - n { T 2 } }

MathML with TeX in it: x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a} x = b ± b 2 4 a c 2 a

MathML with Content Math inside it: x2 x 2

Linear and Time-Invariant Systems


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A signal's complexity is not related to how wiggly it is. Rather, a signal expert looks for ways of decomposing a given signal into a sum of simpler signals, which we term the signal decomposition. Though we will never compute a signal's complexity, it essentially equals the number of terms in its decomposition. In writing a signal as a sum of component signals, we can change the component signal's gain by multiplying it by a constant and by delaying it.

A Title for a Figure
This is a caption on a figure

More complicated decompositions could contain derivatives or integrals of simple signals. In short, signal decomposition amounts to thinking of the signal as the output of a linear system having simple signals as its inputs. We would build such a system, but envisioning the signal's components helps understand the signal's structure. Furthermore, you can readily compute a linear system's output to an input decomposed as a superposition of simple signals. `x+sqrt(1-x^2)`.

Here is some TEX math $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}$$.


As an example of signal complexity, we can express the pulse `p_\Delta(t)` as a sum of delayed unit steps.


Thus, the pulse is a more complex signal than the step. Be that as it may, the pulse is very useful to us.


Express a square wave having period `T` and amplitude `A` as a superposition of delayed and amplitude-scaled pulses.


`sq(t) sum_(n=-infty)^infty (-1)^n A p_{p/2}{t-n{T/2}}`

That's it so far!